Friday, July 19, 2013


Photo by Alyse Thomson

Each sandcastle tells a story
of two hands working hard
piling up the grains
until they almost reach the stars!

Each sandcastle tells a story
of wet sand packed down tight-
so close that when the wind blows
not a single grain takes flight.

Each sandcastle tells a story
of buckets filled with water.
When mixed with sand and drizzled on
it's just like using mortar!

Each sandcastle tells a story
of rocks smoothed by the waves
collected on the beach that day-
a path they are to pave.

Each sandcastle tells a story
of shiny, pretty shells.
The ones that fit right in your hand
and have a beach-y smell.

Each sandcastle tells a story
of seaweed flying high
from the tallest of the turrets-
right up near the sky!

Each sandcastle tells a story
of waves that come too close.
The ridge of water crashing
causing sand walls to come loose.

Then the waves keep coming
'til the beach is flat again.
And tomorrow once the sun is up
a new story can begin.