Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I can see footprints
pressed in the sand-
of toes  l o n g  and spindly,
webs spread like a fan.

I can see paw prints
deep in the mud-
oval-shaped pads
atop a round spud.

I can see hoof prints
‘long the winding dirt track-
arched like a rainbow
they never look back.

I see something shiny,
glistening and bright-
winding over stone pavers
through petals so light.

Where are they going?
These creatures outside-
searching for food
or a safe place to hide?

Are they looking for friends,
finding shelter from rain?
Or enjoying a walk
‘cross uneven terrain?

I crouch and peer closely-
impressions so clear-
and quietly follow
to find what is near…