Saturday, July 20, 2013

Catching Clouds

We climbed the boarded promenade
up high towards the sky
where clouds were floating  s l o w l y-
the wind a gentle sigh.

The owl was looking at us-
white wings spread vast and  b r o a d.
Clawed feet with fluffy talons
curled 'round a pointed sword.

Grey swirls of shiny armour-
the brave knight clad in this.
His arm around a princess-
a rose upon her wrist.

The elephant blew slowly by-
his trunk held high and proud.
And on his back a monkey rode-
above the strato-crowd.

The dragon was enormous-
fire wisping from within.
His roar had scared the garden gnome-
beard shaking on his chin.

We watched the dragon's antics-
chasing cats and flossy sheep.
Until reluctantly, we climbed back down
for it was time to go to sleep.