Friday, August 16, 2013


The canvas up above
was dull and murky grey-
small faces at the window
wishing it away.

And then the rumbling started-
deep low-pitched sounds from far-
air crashing and expanding
as lightning strikes each bar.


The operatic din-
earthshaking rhythms sent
from the highest of the heavens
to where we huddled, bent.

We peeked from under sheets-
the walls of forts we’d made-
to see if it was over-
so we could go and play.

The patter of the rain
on windows clear with glass
meant just a little longer
‘til we could run on grass.

And as we watched it dripping-
drops tapping out a dance-
we saw the clouds move slightly
and gazed, caught in a trance.

S t r e t c h i n g  out before us-
colours rich as gold-
was a perfect arc of rainbow
smiling warmly through the cold.