Monday, February 10, 2014

A Spider's Web

Spider webs are fascinating pieces of natural art.
Orb-spinning spiders are able to put these delicate structures together 
in a seemingly effortless manner.
Living in Australia, we know to take care around spiders, 
but that doesn't stop us from watching these little creatures 
as they create their sticky masterpieces!

It started with a bridge
a single thread of silk
cast from high up in a tree
white as creamy milk

Taken by the breeze
it  l e n g t h e n s ,  r e a c h i n g  out
catching on a nearby branch
holding firm, without a doubt

Starting point prepared

another thread released

ends attached

a tightrope walk




Threading here

and threading there

a silky frame is built

moving from the centre

radius threads 

the spider quilts

None of these are sticky
as still she needs to tread
right across the framework
to each corner of the web

Once everything is ready
with strands in place just so
she tiptoes to the centre
ready to let go…

twist and turn she spirals

round and round she goes

placing coils of sticky lines
to catch some insect toes

twist and turn she spirals
round and round she goes

‘til all that’s left to do is wait…

it won’t be long, she knows…