Thursday, September 19, 2013

Nature Journal

This is for my daughter.
Who records everything.

I have a little journal
with pages smooth and white
where I can draw some pictures
and underneath them write

words that can describe
the creatures that we see
while walking through the bush land
and weaving through the trees

words that list the colours
of flowers we discover
(including all the weedy ones
picked by my little brother)

words that tell a story
of wriggly things we find-
like the squirmy, wiggling earthworm
(we left him safe behind)

I like to do some sketches
showing different kinds of leaves-
I trace around their edges
then tuck them in the sleeve

One time I found a millipede
curled in a spiral shape
but my pencil must have tickled him-
he was suddenly awake!

My favourite things to draw
are pictures of the sky-
rainbows  r e a c h i n g  outwards
and clouds that float on by

And when each entry’s finished
I put my book away
safely in the cupboard
‘til we next go out and play